
Friday, 28 January 2011

Climate Change

Reasons of climate change
-Few astronomical reasons (천문학적 원인들)

-Increase of

  1. Carbon dioxide(Carbonic acid gas)
  2. Methane gas(도시가스)
  3. Freon gas(from spray, refrigerator)


 Expressing in coloured smoke (usually they are clear or grey coloured), but I used artificial colours to show that this pollution is nor from the nature. It's from peoples' usage and behavior.


 Normally I don't enjoy painting human figures and faces and I'm not good at it, and prefer painting different objects. Image of organs are the symbol of human. The colours and some figures are changed because I wanted to show how this environmental problem affects people, ordinary  we can't see it visually through our lives how bad the situation is.
Similarly we don't normally get to see organs, and how they are going until we feel the pain from disease or illness.

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